20 richest country in the world GDP

20 richest country in the world GDP

  As of 2023, the top 20 richest countries in the world, based on their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, showcase the economic prowess and prosperity of these nations. These countries have achieved significant levels of wealth and financial stability. Here is the list:

1. Qatar - GDP per capita: $128,647

2. Macao SAR, China - GDP per capita: $115,367

3. Luxembourg - GDP per capita: $112,875

4. Singapore - GDP per capita: $99,593

5. Brunei - GDP per capita: $79,710

6. Ireland - GDP per capita: $78,669

7. Norway - GDP per capita: $76,693

8. United Arab Emirates - GDP per capita: $68,883

9. Kuwait - GDP per capita: $66,855

10. Switzerland - GDP per capita: $65,968

11. San Marino - GDP per capita: $64,443

12. United States - GDP per capita: $63,416

13. Hong Kong SAR, China - GDP per capita: $62,364

14. Saudi Arabia - GDP per capita: $54,775

15. Netherlands - GDP per capita: $53,332

16. Bahrain - GDP per capita: $52,505

17. Iceland - GDP per capita: $52,447

18. Taiwan - GDP per capita: $51,699

19. Germany - GDP per capita: $51,395

20. Australia - GDP per capita: $50,219

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 It's important to note that GDP per capita is not the only measure of wealth or standard of living, as factors such as income inequality, cost of living, and access to resources and services can also play a significant role.

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